An Idaho Church Opens Their First Church Home

Nov 20, 2023

As a church faithfully lives out its purpose, growth will come. The congregation at
Calvary Chapel
in Meridian, Idaho understands this will. The church experienced rapid growth in recent years, with weekly attendance nearly doubling from 800 to almost 1,600. During this time, Calvary Chapel ramped up for a big move that would be necessary to support their thriving ministry in Meridian.

After meeting in temporary spaces since their founding in 2009, in the summer of 2023, the church finally opened their permanent space.

Our purpose as a fellowship of believers is to make committed followers of Jesus. That is, to multiply ourselves into more believers that will be sacrificial followers of Jesus.

Since taking up residence in their new building, the church has only continued to multiply disciples, adding 100 to their fellowship and baptizing dozens of new believers.

With new facilities comes new opportunities. The teachers and families at Calvary Chapel are excited about the launch of their school. “The best part is the stories I am hearing about some people returning to the Lord through just checking out something new they heard about or were invited to,” reflected Lead Pastor Troy Drake.